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Do you owe the IRS thousands in back taxes? Perhaps you have a tax liability and you are looking for some tax help? Maybe you have heard of an offer in compromise and you are wondering if that might be the solution for your tax debt.


There are several reasons why you might owe the IRS, such as failure to file a tax return, failure to pay a tax liability, late payment or underpayment penalties, and interest on a tax debt. Perhaps you just received an IRS notice and you don't know where to begin.


Are you looking for a CPA who can provide real tax help? Wooten CPA PLLC exists to serve individuals, families, businesses, and nonprofits in order to bring peace to your financial and tax planning responsibilities.

Tax help


Image by Paulius Dragunas

The first step in solving your tax debt is to diagnose the problem. Wooten CPA will contact the IRS and analyze your tax account over the past 10+ years. With this information, you will be provided a clearer picture of the taxes, penalties, and interest owed and Wooten CPA will give a recommendation for the steps you should take to resolve your tax debt. 


Wooten CPA is here to help bring peace to your tax responsibilties and will help you understand and resolve your tax liability. 




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